Why do we snore?
Snoring occurs when our breathing is obstructed. This can be due to a cold, or an anatomical irregularity in the nose or throat. However, the most common cause of snoring is when the muscles in and around the throat relax too much when we sleep. This causes your throat tissues to sag, narrowing the airway. The pressure at the back of the throat will rise, causing the uvula and soft palate to vibrate. It is these vibrations that create the sound of snoring. Studies show that approximately 42% of the population snores, of this 60% are male and 40% female. Snoring may result in a decrease in quality of life in the form of cardiovascular diseases, high blood pressure, stress, headache, obstructive sleep apnea (OSA), decreased sexual function and premature death.
What Are The Side Effects of Snoring Problems
Snoring is an serious problem that affects several people around the world. It causes discomfort to you and your loved ones, who sleep in the same room. You’ve tried all sorts of anti-snoring aids? Tired from the various inconvenient devices, sleeping on your side, trying not to move as much? Snoring becomes an endless vicious cycle, which troubles people around. But, what exactly are the side effects of snoring and what are the ill effects it is causing an individual? Let us take a look at some of the problems with snoring in an individual’s life: Before we begin listing some of the ill effects, always consider that snoring health issues should not be ignored at all. In fact the moment one begins snoring, preventive measures should be taken. Heavy snoring may be a health risk.
Snoring increase risk of up to 4,8 times of developing cancer
Snoring increase risk of up to 4,8 times of developing cancer
A study conducted at the University of Wisconsin-Madison School of Medicine and Public Health came to the conclusion that oxygen starvation enhances the chances of tumor growth. The risk of cancer is manifolds for people who snore and now detailed research has found that severe snorers nearly 4.8 more at a risk of dying from cancer than people who do not snore.
Snoring can kill your sex life
Snoring can kill your sex life
Snoring is ruining the sex lives of one in four couples, a survey says. Twenty-five per cent sleep separately to avoid the racket, while half admit it affects their relationship.
International research has shown that snorers have considerably lower quality of life
International research has shown that snorers have considerably lower quality of life
Snoring results in decreased quality of life over a period of time resulting in cardiovascular diseases, high blood pressure, stress and premature death.
Woman, who snore, are twice as likely to develop cardiovascular diseases
Woman, who snore, are twice as likely to develop cardiovascular diseases
An American study managed by Dr. Frank Hu from Harvard School of Public Health in Boston, Massachusetts, on snoring and its effect on serious cardiovascular diseases done among 72,000 nurses shows considerably increased risk of cardiovascular diseases among female snorers.
Snores have headache and migraine three times more than others
Snores have headache and migraine three times more than others
The science group from National Institute of Aging in Maryland has studied the snoring habits of 206 people with chronic daily headache and of 507 persons with only occasional headache. It revealed that overall the habitual snoring was three times as common among the patients with headache as among the other people in the control group.

How does Hrapson help?
Hrapson contains Sodium chloride, glycerol, polysorbate 80, Edetate sodium, Potassium sorbate and purified water, while just a few applications of the snore sprays regularly, allows you to get rid of snoring in the first few days itself. This simple yet effective snoring aid is available to you in all leading pharmaceutical and chemist stores.